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The Ceramics Collection includes Thai, Vietnamese, Burmese and Khmer Southeast Asian wares, as well as a variety of Chinese ceramics. 

A total of 3,992 ceramics, along with an additional 360 shards not counted individually (primarily Ming from Banten in Java, Indonesia and Yuan from Trowulan in Java), and 550 more Ming shards from the Banda shipwreck, are described in the Catalogue.  


Descriptions (Detailed Documentation) provided for each includes Catalogue Number, description, size, dating, provenance (origin, place and date of acquisition, cost), and any references to comparable examples.  Photos (including the base) are also provided for each.  Catalogue Sections, accessed by CLICK on the relevant category, are as follows:


Southeast Asian Ceramics: PHOTOS    DESCRIPTION

BURMA B-001 to B-161        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION              

KHMER K-001 to K-039        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION               

KHMER K-040 to K-123        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION       

THAI TH-001 to TH-313        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION                

THAI TH-314 to TH-460        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION 

THAI TH-461 to TH-570        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION


(TA-001 to TA-097)                ------------        --------------------

VIET V-001 to V-105             PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION                    

VIET V-106 to V-232             PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION    

VIET V-233 to V-274             PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION  

OTHER O-001 to O-030       PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION  

(Other includes Spanish & Euro)


Chinese Ceramics:        PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION    

QING C-001 to C-028      PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

QING C-029 to C-159      PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

QING C-160 to C-271      PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

MING M-001 to M-149     PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

MING M-150 to M-285     PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

MING M-286 to M-432     PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

MING M-433 to M-525     PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

YUAN Y-001 to Y-044       PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION             

YUAN Y-045 to Y-158       PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

SONG S-001 to S-048     PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION                  

SONG S-049 to S-095     PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION

TANG T-001 to T-016       PHOTOS      DESCRIPTION


Descriptions (Catalogue Entries):  

CERAMICS CATALOGUE Descriptions - consist of

Documents, organized by category of wares (Burma, Khmer,

Thai, Viet, Other; and Qing, Ming, Yuan, Song, Tang), which

provide details for each of the 3,992 ceramics and 360 shards

along with 550 additional shards from the Banda shipwreck

including: Catalogue Number, description, size, dating,

provenance (origin, place and date of acquisition, cost), and any

references to comparable examples.



CERAMICS CATALOGUE Photos - consist of Folders containing Photos of each of each of the 3,992 ceramics (including the base) and 360 shards along with 550 additional shards from the Banda shipwreck, also organized by category of wares (Burma, Khmer, Thai, Viet, Other; and Qing, Ming, Yuan, Song, Tang).


CERAMICS CATALOGUE - Brief Summary of Contents


BURMA B-001 to B-161 - consists of 161 Catalogue Entries representing 180 individual items (a single Entry may include multiple items). Primarily date from the 14th century to the 16th century.  Included are celadon wares from the Twante Kilns, white glazed wares from the now identified Shwebo kilns, and brown glazed wares.  Shapes consist of jarlets, jars, bowls, figurines, lime pots, cuspidors, pipes, pestle, and incense or candle holders,  Many of the wares have interesting incised base marks, with 54 items sharing this feature.  Included is an extremely unusual and rare celadon plate with underglaze black lotus decor (B-078) and a red lead glaze bowl (B-067).


KHMER K-001 to K-121 - consists of 121 Catalogue Entries representing 153 individual items. Primarily date from the 12th century to the 14th century, with a few earlier examples.  Shapes consist of lime pots, lenticular shape jarlets, jarlets, cover boxes, urn vases, bowls, bottle shape vessels, and covered urns. Notable are the animal shape lime pots (owl, bird, elephant, and rabbit shapes) and the elegant tall urn vases, along with the interesting lenticular jarlets.  Shape and form are the compelling aspects of the Khmer wares.  Many of the wares, especially the cover boxes, have incised base marks, and 38 share this feature.  Glaze treatment sees brown predominating, with some two color wares (dark brown and greenish tinged straw color) and green glaze wares.


THAI TH-001 to TH-569 - consists of 569 Catalogue Entries representing 999 individual items.  The Thai ceramics are primarily from the Sisatchanalai and Sukhothai kilns, with a variety of wares from the Northern Thai kilns also represented to a lesser extent, along with a few earlier wares.  Sisatchanalai wares include celadon, monochrome white and monochrome brown wares, a variety of underglaze iron decorated wares (notably cover boxes), meticulously crafted brown and cream wares with incised décor, and underglaze black decorated celadons.  The period of production ranges from the late 14th to the 16th century. 


Sukhothai ceramics are much more limited in variety and consist primarily of underglaze iron-brown decorated wares, notably, for example, fish plates and also bowls with a chakra or solar whorl.  Monochrome white wares are also found, but to a much lesser extent.  These are also dated from the late 14th to the 16th century.  The Mon wares (black and green glazed) date from the late 13th to 14th century.  Wares from the Northern Thai kilns include: Kalong - 14th to 15th century, Sankampaeng -  15th century, Wang Nua - 14th to 16th century, Phan - 15th century, Singburi - 15th to 16th century, Phayao - 15th century, and Haripunchai (Lamphun) - 15th to 16th century.


THAI AYUTTHAYA TA-001 to TA-097 - consists of 97 Catalogue Entries representing 279 individual items.  The Ayutthaya ceramics are unglazed, low fired wares, commonly referred to as terracotta ceramics, and dated primarily from the 17th to 18th centuries. The present day source is principally the Chao Phaya River, and other riverine excavations, and among the ruins of the ancient city in and around present day Ayutthaya Town. Kilns for these wares have not yet been found.  The ceramic forms most commonly encountered include the following:  seated female figurines, miniature pots and jarlets, animal figurines, “toby” type figurines, and roof tiles.  Except for the latter, they are typically of diminutive or miniature size.


VIET V-001 to V-274  - consists of 274 Catalogue Entries representing 407 individual items.  Many are underglaze blue decorated ceramics consisting of many jarlets and cover boxes, also plates and bowls, from the Chu Dau kilns in Northern Vietnam, dating from the 14th to 16th century, with many of shipwreck origin and from land excavation sites in Indonesia and in the Philippines.  Also represented are Champa, Bat Trang, and other wares.  Included are monochrome wares – white, brown, green, yellow, blue; a few polychrome wares, and celadon along with white celadon wares (the term white celadon has been adopted to refer to a clearly definable category of stoneware which displays all the properties and attributes of celadon [greenware] with the exception of the color).  


The dating of the various wares extends from the 12th century to the 17th century, with a few earlier examples. Several lime pots are included as well.  Also featured are an interesting assortment of Annamese wall tiles produced in the 15th century specifically and exclusively for the East Java, Indonesia market centered at Trowulan.


OTHER O-001 to O-030  (includes Spanish & European) - consists of 30 Catalogue Entries representing 88 individual items.  These are primarily Spanish earthenware olive jar (botija) necks and other fragments, along with small unglazed clay pipes and a Bellarmine bottle neck of salt-glazed stoneware.  They are primarily from Spanish galleon wrecksites in the Americas, but also include shipwrecks in Africa and Europe; dating is from the late 16th to late 18th century.                          



QING C-001 to C-271 - consists of 271 Catalogue Entries representing 706 individual items (a single Entry may include multiple items).  Many are blue and white porcelains from shipwrecks in Indonesia and Vietnam, many with base marks; predominately from the Jingdezhen kilns, but including Dehua wares.  Also represented are Batavia wares, Chinese Imari, celadon, polychrome, underglaze red, doucai ware, and monochrome wares - white, green, brown and blue.  (Qing Dynasty dates are 1644 to 1911).                         

MING M-001 to M-523 - consists of 523 Catalogue Entries representing 800 individual items.  Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain forms the majority, along with polychrome wares, monochrome white and monochrome brown and monochrome blue examples, blue glaze with white slip decor and brown glaze with white slip decor, Longquan celadons and others.  Dating ranges from the late 14th century to the early 20th century.  Also represented are an extensive variety of Swatow (Zhangzhou) wares, as well as Kraak and Kraak type porcelain, Dehua ware, Jun ware, and Guangdong ware.  (Ming Dynasty dates are 1368 to 1644).

YUAN Y-001 to Y-158 - consists of 158 Catalogue Entries representing 229 individual items.  Yingqing, brown glazed wares, Jun wares, Putian wares, Longquan celadon and others are included.  Also includes a very interesting and extensive assortment of Yuan blue and white (and underglaze red) shards from the Trowulan, East Java findings. (Yuan Dynasty dates are 1271 to 1378). 


SONG S-001 to S-095 - consists of 95 Catalogue Entries representing 132 individual items.  Yingqing, Jun, Yue Yao, Xicun, Jizhou, and Cizhou wares, along with Longquan celadons and others, are included.  Represented are a variety of monochrome shadow blue, white, brown, yellowish, and green wares; many with decorative motifs molded, carved, or incised.   (Song Dynasty dates are 960 to 1279 [Northern Song 960 to 1127 and Southern Song 1128 to 1279]).


TANG T-001 to T-016 - consists of 16 Catalogue Entries representing 19 individual items.  Mostly underglaze decorated Changsha bowls from Indonesia and Vietnam shipwrecks, along with a cup, dish, and jarlet. 

(Tang Dynasty dates are 618 to 916).


NOTE: The above totals do not include 360 shards (primarily Ming from Banten in Java, Indonesia and Yuan from Trowulan in Java), along with 550 additional Ming shards from the Banda shipwreck, which are described in the Ceramics Catalogue entries, but were not counted individually.





Vung Tau Shipwreck -


Khmer Urn Vase

Hoi An Wreck - Viet Plate -


S-072 Crop.jpg

Santa Cruz Shipwreck -


Ca Mau Shipwreck -Vietnam

Burma Plate

M-300 (2 of 2) Crop.jpg

Banda Shipwreck - Africa

Burma Jar

Karang Cina Shipwreck -

Swatow Plate

Swatow Plate

Jepara Shipwreck -

Jepara Shipwreck - 

Con Dao Island Shipwreck -

Belanakan No. 1 Shipwreck - Indonesia

Viet Limepot

Binh Thuan No. 2 - Yuan Wreck 

Burma Jar

Khmer Limepot

Burma Figurine

B-161 (Sides 1, 2 & 3).jpg
K-058 Crop.jpg
K-041 Crop.jpg

Burma Holder

Khmer Urn Vase

Karang Cina Shipwreck -

Khmer Limepot

Yingqing Spotted Ewer-Yuan

Wanli Shipwreck - Malaysia

Viet Jarlet

Mandalika Shipwreck -

Swatow Plate

Vung Tau Shipwreck -

Tang Wreck - Vietnam

Swatow Indonesia Wreck

Khmer Limepot

Swatow Plate

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